DailyKos, Think Progress Spread Lie About James Von Brunn Being a Bush Supporter

There’s a DKos diary linking to me claiming “right wing blogs” are trying to distance ourselves from the Holocaust museum shooter, a man who believed 9/11 was an inside job and that John McCain is covering up Israeli war crimes against America. You know, because it’s the right, not the left, that thinks 9/11 was done by Bush and hates Israel. I won’t link to it, mostly because the Kossacks like to throw out racist comments to yours truly and I’m in no mood.

Part of this smear is this nonsense about Von Brunn having a Bush/Cheney sticker on his pickup truck. This “proves” he’s a Neo-Con … even though he has a good 30 year history of hating Jews and their “puppets” which is basically what lefties mean when they say Neo-Con. I have seen no credible source that claims Von Brunn was a Bush supporter, but known Jew haters Think Progress are helping spread this lie.

I do have some of Von Brunn’s thoughts on the Bush family from this crazy piece he wrote about Jews and their vast conspiracy. He includes some quotes about the Bush family that DKos readers will find familiar:

‘The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission – founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller – and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.’ — Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D., former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Woerner


‘You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.’ — George W. Bush

‘Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushs have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched.’ George Bush Sr. 1992

Wow. If that’s a Bush supporter I’d hate to meet someone anti-Bush. The site I found this on should be interesting to lefties, it’s a site that supports Chavez, quotes Ahmadinejad at length and is very upset by America supporting Israel’s “genocide” against those poor innocent Palestinians.

You know, a typical right-wing extremist site.

Sorry Think Progress, he’s one of yours.

19 thoughts on “DailyKos, Think Progress Spread Lie About James Von Brunn Being a Bush Supporter

  1. So what about his 2008 postings on the neocon website freerepublic . com?

    Pure extreme right wing.

  2. Well Andy he was also a Paulnut as many truthers are, and the Paul campaign reached out to White nationalists, a point I made in this blog several times.

    It’s interesting you use the term “neo-con” though isn’t it? His own website that’s the terminology he uses. He also speaks put against “the Israeli lobby” and American Imperialism against Arabs, believes 9/11 was an inside job, thinks the Palestinians are being oppressed and supported Chavez. These are all positions DailyKos put forward time and again.

    I know lefties can’t help being dishonest, but have you even read what he wrote, or are you just looking at where he posted those things?

    Also you realize that by your logic I’m a liberal because your comment appears here.

  3. Everything would be ok in this land if:

    The influence of foreign agents and internationalists in the sphere of domestic policy was held in check by a strictly neutral, nationalistic
    public policy.

    The international borders of this land were under control. Not only to stem the tide of economic insurgants, but of finnished foriegn goods produced
    in the workshops of communist states, and other developing lands.

    The wealth produced by generations of labor is now lost, and the weight of legal obligations as a result of the bailouts will trammel generations from
    rebuilding what was lost by americas so called leaders.

    Instead, needless chatter about a nut with a gun.

    USA 1776-2008 RIP

  4. A dead man is the result of a crime that has no impact on your life, sentimentalist. How about the millions murdered by men in suits armed with pens and paper? Focus, dope heads.

  5. A) Name three people killd by “the men in suits”

    B) Aren’t you the pot smoker?

    C) Every crime, every murder of a good person, diminishes us all.

  6. A)Millions of Ukranians, Chineese, N American ‘Indians’, ect ad nausium due to the efforts of ‘men in suits’ who operate the systems of government finance, and their willing stooges who do nothing to stop them . Bullets, bombs and poison are financed and sold for profit.

    B)By dope head, I refer to the millions of people conditioned by popular, fadish culture that spews from televisions, radios, magazines and text books.

    C)That could be true, however, the grave yards are filled with indispensible men, women and children and there is nothing that can be done to stop it

    You all worry about ‘lone wolves’ .
    You ought to worry about those charming psycopaths who roam the halls of banks and executive mansions. Those guys make Charles Manson look like a rank amature.


  7. Men in suits killed “millions” of Native Americans? Interesting. Since most accounts of post-Columbus settlers report a sparsely populated coast (due to European germs hitting the Native populations hard) I assume you mean some conspiracy theory.

    But more to the point, you’re thesis is that we ignore a degenerates murder of a man who was by all accounts a good man because you have a leftist spank fantasy about “the real enemy” being people who, coincidentally, you aren’t physically afraid of.

    That would make the world easy wouldn’t it? If all evil people were yuppies whose ass you could kick. But this is a blog that deals in politics and crime, and this crime is important. You want it ignored because it doesn’t fit into the fantasy you have of reality, but Red Alerts deals only with the world as it is, not how gamers and nerds pretend it is.

    Wanting the world to ignore this murder is vile and indefensible.

  8. By the way, the ‘savages’ were tamed so that they could be used to make money for the rich, that is to say, ‘buy land’, buy houses, ect ect. just like any ‘normal’ person would do. How the bad men did it was tell the natives what to do, and if they didnt do it, they got gunned down, or sent to prisons and prison camps or reservations. Ask Russel Means, he will tell you so, too.

    I suggest you read what the nut with a gun had to say, as expressed in his own writings, Teddy K did (unibomber). Hell, read Mansons rants. Do you want this kind of thinking to become main stream? Any way, the security guy had a gun and drew too late (his back ups didnt miss. How could you miss with so many bullets fired?). Why do you think they hire security guards for? The building had enemys, thats why…surrounded by enemys both great and small. I have no doubt that the security guard loved his mother, jesus, john wayne, baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and chevrolet, too. Any why should I fear any man, save those who work for satan?

    The world may be a better place, if only about 3000 evil men were to die.I have no doubt that quite a few will be yuppies, but mostly will be preppies.
    The cause for their end would be circumstances, that say, lead to civil war. There is preceedant where a king was sent to the chopping block, and even whole royal court wheeled up to a head chopping machine. (or being gunned down in cellar, like in Russia). So much for pipe dreams… I dont scare easy, Im going to heaven. By the way, chum; I am pretty sure that the whole world has different points of veiw. Yes, I know the sky is blue, that it is summer, I know who mom is (it says so on my AMMENDED birth certificate). Now, for $68, tell the universe for now into infinity why this ‘crime’ is so darned important? (and dont you dare say
    “KOS it is”)

    Then tell me why wanting to forget this ‘crime’ is vile and indefensible.

    PS Leftist spank fantacy? Good one, college boy.

  9. Actually if you ever cracked open a book (like the Popol Vu-the pictographic history of the Aztecs written by the Aztecs themselves, or Bernal Diaz’s first person account of the first conquest The Conquest of New Spain) you’d have found that the first Europeans really did run into savages who sacrificed babies to blood thirsty demon gods, had temples filled with body parts of unwilling sacrifices of enslaved tribes, and were eventually overthrown by the Spanish because the Aztec Empire had oppressed and pillage the rest of the tribes in the area. It was a Spanish led Native army that crushed the Aztecs.

    But that’s an aside. You act as if buying land is a bad thing, even though it is an activity that goes back to European pre-history. The Western Civilization that allows you to live in comfort even though you clearly don’t do much with your life was built on people owning property. Even the Havamal speaks of men owning farms and spears and the various things Ancient men thought of as wealth. Yet you would undo it all after a few years of reading counterpunch?

    Russel Means is a man who makes a living telling certain White people they’re righteous. You might love it, from where I’m standing its tap dancing. He’s the only Indian who still supports the Ward Churchill hoax, even after A.I.M. discredited him. What does that tell you about the mighty Means?

    “I suggest you read what the nut with a gun had to say, as expressed in his own writings, Teddy K did (unibomber). Hell, read Mansons rants. Do you want this kind of thinking to become main stream?”

    How will it become mainstream by me telling the truth about him?

    “Any way, the security guy had a gun and drew too late (his back ups didnt miss. How could you miss with so many bullets fired?). Why do you think they hire security guards for? The building had enemy, thats why…surrounded by enemys both great and small.”

    Again if you stopped reading DKos and Counterpunch and picked up a newspaper you’d see that the guard saw an old man (the shooter) coming to the door and politely held the door for him, and the degenerate then shot him. He preyed on the kindness of a good hearted man.

    The last part of that sentence sounds suspiciously like you’re claiming the Holocaust Museum brought this on itself.

    “Any why should I fear any man, save those who work for Satan?”

    Nonsequitor. And for the record there is no Satan and if there was men that worked for him would still just be men.

    “The world may be a better place, if only about 3000 evil men were to die.”

    A childish conspiracy theory.

    “I have no doubt that quite a few will be yuppies, but mostly will be preppies.”

    Preppies are children who attend prep school. Are you really saying part of your revcom fantasy is gunning down teens and pre-teens?

    “The cause for their end would be circumstances, that say, lead to civil war. There is preceedant where a king was sent to the chopping block, and even whole royal court wheeled up to a head chopping machine. (or being gunned down in cellar, like in Russia). So much for pipe dreams… I”

    Isn’t this just proof of Marxist degeneracy? Children were killed in
    those incidents and you’re ready to re-enact it. Will you rape them first? Torture them? You’re not a revolutionary, just a common criminal looking for a way to validate your desire to hurt others.

    “I dont scare easy, Im going to heaven.’

    I can guarantee you are not going to heaven. Trust me on this, no person who spends their lives advocating for evil and spitting on good men who died goes anywhere good after they die.

    “By the way, chum; I am pretty sure that the whole world has different points of veiw.”

    Oh, so that means there’s no right or wrong?

    “Now, for $68, tell the universe for now into infinity why this ‘crime’ is so darned important?”

    A) A man with a history of fringe politics walked into a memorial for six million dead people massacred by Hitler and killed some guy. That’s news, specifically it is crime news. The actually killing is no more or less important than the deaths of any other person, but the circumstances are bizarre enough to make it noteworthy.

    B) Lefties like you used this to smear the right. I corrected the record, put out the real information about his affiliations. Surely you could agree that truth is important?

    “Then tell me why wanting to forget this ‘crime’ is vile and indefensible.”

    Because you only want to forget it because it doesn’t conform to your political views. You weren’t trolling comments when people were calling him a Republican. You are using the death of a loving husband and father as a political point, and then claim that death is meaningless.

    I honor the man who died, that you don’t want me to, that you begrudge his memory, is vile and indefensible.

    And yes I went to college, and I have a Masters. In the revolution you envision it would be people with my credentials that put you into labor camps and decided whether your family followed. So if you don’t like me, wait until your civil war and your communist friends build a hierarchy based on education level.

  10. Aztec culture, sure. Europeans did the same stuff, but by and by found out it didnt help out what ever cause the act was done for. Progressive, no?

    Lets not forget about danegeld, too. And comfort is a relative thing. I dont read counterpunch.

    I still like Russ, and AIM isnt monolithic, either. I used to live in South Dakota.

    Im waiting for the autopsy and police report. I dont trust the funny scribbles that the bird cage liner decorators make.

    The building is a tribute to geopolitics, and the waste caused by internationalism and the learned men of science, and captains of industry.

    And its true, that is my belief, an advisary for the great creator. (What ever happened to diversity, and tolerance?)

    Satanists use right reason to justify death and destruction of people and things. Just men, indeed.

    You have a hotline to heaven, and the reservation department? Are you sure you gave St Peter the right name? Like super chicken, the guard knew the job was dangerous when he took it. Live by the sword, die by it. If I get run down on my 10 mile bicycle commute, will you shed a tear? Will you? By the way, he shot the guard because he was black, and in the employ of the building. <Thats my opinion.

    My estimate is based on 300 evil men and women, and their advisors and Lt.s, about 10 each, I suppose that is where 3000 comes from. I think by legislation this could be done, say, by making it a crime to sell the nation short to the enemys of America, and that is INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM, and COMMUNISM in general. (see Title 50ch23schIVss841). Socialism is a type of communism, by learned men opine “We Are All Socialists Now”<I do not share that opinion, and I actively struggle against it. Also, take a squint at Marx “Communist Manifesto”, at the 10 Planks. Most of the west has succumbed to International Communism (Dose china support most of our material needs, and do we owe them for it?) That ought to satisfy you of my crudentials. (Don’t Tread On Me).
    As far as being childish, why, that is your opinion.

    I refuse to live in a bee hive, and to have a hive mind.
    I have no doubt that others would agree on this point.

    Look, am gonna stop here.
    Which story is more important?
    I know that the west coast may be under a hot umbrella, its the intervention that is the problem. The US needs to get out of the international cop game, dig?

    Conspiracy Theory? You said it, not me.

  11. College boy 0, MGM looser 1.
    I’m keeping the $68.

    PS Isnt it funny that the world is being run by college graduates? I dont…

    this part was the most disturbing-your own words…

    “And yes I went to college, and I have a Masters. In the revolution you envision it would be people with my credentials that put you into labor camps and decided whether your family followed. So if you don’t like me, wait until your civil war and your communist friends build a hierarchy based on education level”(.)

    So you will stop me from trying to get inditements against certain americans for acts of sedition and treason for aiding and abetting international communism? DONT TREAD ON ME

    ps-sounds kinda facist to me.

  12. By the way, Rob, the system I defend calls people men and women, not human resources.

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