Zombie on the Left/White Nationalist Alliance

Zombie’s all over this story from Berkeley where the resurgent White Aryan Resistance has been causing quite a stir by distributing their literature and trying to recruit young people for their terrorist organization. Lost on the MSM is the disturbing similarity of W.A.R.’s neo-Nazi propaganda and that of the so-called peace movement.

I’ve pointed out before that the radical left and White supremacists are often on the same page politically, at least in their desire to overthrow capitalism and siding with Islamic supremacists. The “liberal” positions on Israel and the middle east are popular with neo-Nazi’s, and in many cases the two groups are so in sync it’s eerie.

In the future you’ll see much more overlap between the groups, maybe enough that the MSM will be forced to stop ignoring it.

h/t Noblesse Oblige