European Union Threatens Credit Agencies

The E.U. is incensed that credit rating agencies “didn’t do more” to warn people of Lehman Brother’s collapse, but at the same time are outraged that the same agencies correctly assessed the credit worthiness of Greece, Spain and other countries. The solution? An E.U. run credit rating commissariat that investors would be forced to trust were honestly rating their own credit worthiness:

No, really:

The big three credit ratings agencies were threatened yesterday with fines and the creation of a new state-backed competitor, only weeks after European leaders attacked them for exacerbating Greece’s problems with downgrades.

The agencies will be subject to a new European supervisory body with the power to hand out fines and suspensions under plans unveiled in Brussels.

Work on a rival centralised European credit agency is also being carried out by the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, its President, said.

The Commission’s plans were welcomed by Liberal MEPs but dismissed as heavy-handed by Conservatives, including John Redwood, who called on the bureaucrats to think again.

It’s almost funny. Almost. So how would this work? Get ready to see the greatest example of irony you will ever see:

The European Commission proposed that an already-planned central European Union regulatory body — the European Security Markets Authority — should take on oversight of the existing rating agencies when it is due to begin work in January 2011.

The new authority would register rating agencies in return for a fee and check that they meet EU rules showing careful research of their rating and no conflict of interest.

The authority will be able to fine individual national offices of rating agencies that cannot or will not justify their methodology, or stop them from issuing ratings temporarily, or even permanently in the worst cases.

If the E.U. starts overseeing the credit rating agencies investors should simply stop buying European debt, because there s no way you will be able to accurately gauge the risk involved. Now would be a good time to look through your portfolio and start planning an investment strategy that is Europe free.

Tom Metzger Owes Me $1,000

A  post I wrote about how outrageous it was that scumbag, traitor Tom Metzger wasn’t set on fire in an A.T.F. raid the way the Feds did to those poor hippies in Waco has Tom and his groupies heading for the swooning couch and demanding that I stop hurling well-deserved insults at this anti-American cretin who is morally, and in one case legally, responsible for murders, rapes, and all the other assorted mayhem the pedophiles, rapists, and wife beaters who make up the White Supremacist movemen commit on a daily basis.

At some point this morning Tom Metzger left me this gem:

Tom Metzger said,

on April 5th, 2010 at 10:53 am

I have been called a lot of things but never pervert or pedophilel.If these great white hope has any proof of that ,i have one thousand in cash to see it. TT

Perhaps Tom has forgotten his many appearances on Hot Seat, the Wally George Show, which is the spiritual progenitor of Red Alerts. In the ten years conservative firebrand George had Metzger on his show he was called many things, including such delightful terms as “putrid idiot” and “racist pig.”

And of course Wally called him pervert many times. Wally referred to all neo-Nazis as racist perverts which would of course include Metzger. Unfortunately it’s hard to find the full works of this magnificent bastard but here’s a YouTube video of one of their encounters where George does indeed use the racist pervert epithet, as well as putrid idiot, racist pig, and accuse Metzger of getting off easy on what should have been a murder rap.

As you will see, Metzger loves being abused by conservatives, explaining why this was one of dozens of appearances on the Wally George show the racist pervert made. I think little Tommy is missing his metaphorical spankings and has correctly deduced that Red Alerts has always been in part an ode to Wally George conservatism, and like a latently homosexual moth to a leather clad biker with a flame motif on his vest, Metzger is flitting around Red Alerts hoping beyond hope to get a little more of the treatment he misses.

Part I:

Part II:

Like I said it’s too bad the Wally George show isn’t available on DVD, though you can read more about him in his own words. But what’s important here is that Tom and leather boys are just horrified that I call them perverts and pedophiles, something they claim has just never been done, but in fact it has happened frequently. Now I personally don’t need Metzger’s $1,000, and like all degenerates he’d welch anyway because he has no character, but just for the record, Tom Metzger has been publicly called pervert, pedophile, and worse for decades.

Here’s an exit question for Tom and company: if they aren’t a bunch of perverts and pedophiles, why do I know of at least three neo-Nazis who are in contact with teen girls (or what they think are teen girls) on the Internet right now?

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs “Pretty Sure” Tennessee State Flag is a Neo-Nazi Symbol

I believe it was the very wise Mossad Ayoob who said, “When all you have is a hammer everything begins to look like a nail,” but I could be mistaken. Regardless of the authorship, Charles Johnson of LGF should probably ponder this parable and how it relates to a man whose main tactic in debate is to accuse his opponents of supporting Nazism.

Case in point. So desperate was Chuckles to find neo-Nazis at a Tea Party that he posted a plea for people to help him identify a flag he was “pretty sure” was a neo-Nazi flag but he needed a reference. The link he posted led to a picture of people carrying the Tennessee state flag.

Who knew Tennessee was founded by the Third Reich?

Sorry Charlie, yet again your desire for everyone to the right of you to literally be a Nazi has led to an embarrassing exposure of your ignorance. Most people learn from their mistakes but I’m sure you will be right back on the trail of all these phantom Nazis tomorrow. But maybe the “you’re a Nazi!” hammer isn’t serving you as well as you think.

Forensic “Expert” Dan Austin Says .223 Cartridge Made for Elephants

Asinine. This CNN clip starts out as ignorant anti-gun agi-prop and devolves into a fantasy land where a round known to be one of the least effective military cartridges on human targets can magically take down the world’s largest land animal by virtue of the fact that it goes really, really fast. Not as fast as actual elephant gun rounds mind you, but fast nonetheless.

You can watch the video by clicking the pic. CNN disabled embedding after it began making the rounds and every gun owner in American began fisking this tool who is passing himself off as an expert:

CNN Gun Expert is a Fraud

The .223 began life as a varmint cartridge and still excels at killing small predators like foxes, coyotes, and feral dogs. It is known to produce casualties as opposed to quick kills in humans and was largely adopted because of its mild recoil (it’s really a pleasure to shoot) and the light weight of the rounds which means individual soldiers can carry more ammunition than the rounds that preceded it.

The .223 fires a .22 caliber bullet weighing around 55 grains. No experienced hunter or shooter would ever claim that the .223 was designed for large game. It is considered too small a round to use even on the moderately sized black bear in America. Elephants are taken with rifles that push bullets of at least 400 grains at velocities sometimes greater than the .223. Even that would be considered bare minimum. Winchester offers a 500 grain load in .458 which is considered a decent elephant cartridge. That round pushes those 500 grains at over 2000 feet per second.That’s considered a load with which a good shot might be able to kill an elephant.

You need not be a physicist or firearms expert to know that the .223 and its 55 grain bullet will not come close to the power needed to kill a animal an elephant’s size. A .223 might not be able to even penetrate the thick hide of an elephant, and if it did the tiny hole it made would not kill the creature. Most people shot with the .223 don’t die if they receive medical attention. A firearms “expert” should know that.

But Dan Austin makes several other blunders here. One is he claims guns can’t fire accidentally without pulling the trigger which is false. Anyone who has ever handled the old M-16 A2 can tell you that a sharp blow to the butt of the weapon would slam the bolt forward and fire a round that was chambered. I have no experience with the Galil clones he’s talking about, but I assume many semi-autos can have the same failing.

This “expert” suggests several times that no one has a legitimate use for a semi-auto rifle which sounds less like a professional opinion and more like lefty disarmament politics to me. CNN says Austin has worked in over 300 court cases and I would suggest that a good defense attorney could use his obvious unfamiliarity with firearms to turn those cases over.

So what’s his agenda? He could have easily read up on this stuff, or hit a range. He clearly has never done either so why is he on CNN lecturing America about guns?

h/t Zombie Squad Forums. Yeah, I’m a member. So what?

P.E.T.A Fights for the Right of Rabid Raccoons to Maul Your Family (P.E.T.A. Also Kills Animals)

Angry Raccoon

This story is near to my heart because I was once almost mauled by a rabid raccoon while on one of my day long rambles through the suburbs of New Jersey. I was only saved from a series of painful rabies shots by my penchant for unusual clothing, including 17 inch leather boots which I thought were quite dashing. They also proved to be raccoon proof which has solidified my preference for tall leather boots ever since.  It’s a long story but suffice to say the parks and pathways of New Jersey are not a great place to run into a foaming at the mouth animal, and if you do running across the nearest deep stream will buy you enough time to make your escape.

So when Tennessee Republican Steve King let his Twitter followers know that he ended up putting down a raccoon that kept trying to claw its way into his house I understood that he had to do what he had to do to protect his family. A raccoon is about the size of a medium sized dog and weighs in around 40 pounds. That’s a lot of teeth and claws coming your way if things go wrong. So I personally think King was in the right.

P.E.T.A. disagrees:

He (King) told Roll Call that he was on a Feb. 9 conference call when the raccoon returned.

King grabbed the Desert Eagle — “It’s the one I had handy,” he told HOH — and went after the raccoon, which fled. But King caught up, fired and killed the creature.

“We can’t have an animal that might be sick, might be rabid, out there,” King said, adding that his granddaughters often play in the area where he spotted the raccoon. “That’s just what has to happen when you live out here in the country.”

Problem is, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) late this morning has criticized King, with spokesman Jaime Zalac saying King should not have dispatched “a small animal seeking warmth in another blizzard,” a second Roll Call piece relates.

“I would hope he’s not on any (House) committees that make decisions regarding cruel and unusual punishment. Decent people would call animal control for help, not get on Twitter to boast about having a really, really big gun,” Zalac said.

This from an organization that routinely kills animals they take in for their supposed adoption program. Public records show that P.E.T.A. found homes for only 1 out of every 300 animals it’s “no kill” shelter takes in. P.E.T.A. itself admits to killing some 95.8% of the animals they got their hands on in 2008. None of those animals were potentially rabid.

More importantly this response shows that far from being nature lovers P.E.T.A. and their supporters are disconnected from the very natural world they claim to love. Raccoons are dangerous, only people who haven’t seen one think otherwise. Nature is struggle, an endless cycle of beauty and violence that makes life possible and the disconnect from natural law creates people like the Jaime Zalac who have no idea how nature works. People like Zalac believe man has tamed nature but in reality we hide from it, huddling behind a flimsy barricade called civilization that can only offer us temporary shelter.

Raccoons shelter from blizzards in the wild all the time, they don’t need to come into your house. It is unusual behavior which may indicate that the creature is rabid. P.E.T.A. thinks in that situation you should throw caution to the wind and allow your family to be mauled. People who truly love nature know better.

h/t N.R.A.