Degenerate Puppy Killing Democrat Glynn Johnson Found Guilty of Felony Animal Cruelty

I blogged about this piece of garbage before. Glynn Johnson had a history of violence, including a brutal attack on his onw 14-year-old daughter and a rumored bb gun attack on a dog that left it blind. Despite this, the well connected Democrat rose through the ranks of government workers unhindered by his profligacy, eventually becoming Los Angeles County Assistant Fire Chief. While he held that position he began a campaign of harassment and threats against his neighbors that ended in him brutally beating their 6-month-old German Shepard puppy so badly it had to be put to sleep.

The beating was so bad the dog lost an eye and most of its teeth. It had multiple skull fractures and a broken jaw. It was a puppy. Glynn Johnson, the Assistant Fire Chief for Los Angeles, beat a puppy to death. Let that sink in for a minute.

Now he’s been convicted of felony animal cruelty. He won’t get anywhere near as much time as he deserves, but hopefully someone in prison will treat him the way he treated his daughter, this puppy and everyone else he spent a lifetime bullying:

People You’ll See in Hell has a good write up on this case.

Someone let me know when Johnson dies so I can go piss on his grave.