The Hells Await Ted Kennedy (and Melissa Lafsky)


Because many groupies, I mean Democrats, were mourning Ted Kennedy I held my counsel about him, but since an appropriate period of time has passed I will just say that Ted Kennedy was one of the most disgusting members of a family so corrupt and degenerate that even while infiltrating every level of government they can’t avoid prosecution after prosecution for their criminal ways.

Let us start with how Ted Kennedy betrayed his brother John F. Kennedy’s memory. JFK was staunchly anti-Communist and pro-freedom, a true American hero. He was assassinated by a Castro supporting Communist named Lee Harvey Oswald. Ted Kennedy cooperated with the KGB just over a decade later in a bid to undercut Jimmy Carter.

Ted Kennedy cooperated with Communists even though his anti-Communist hero brother was assassinated by a Communist.

Then via Gateway Pundit we have this gem. Ed Klein discussing Ted’s sense of humor. One of Saint Ted’s favorite jokes: the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. A death he caused:


What’s funnier than murdering a person?

Elderly hipster douchebag Henry Rollins rubbed out a quick piece on Kennedy hero worship that is actually pretty good. Broken clocks and all that. As an aside, can you still claim to be some sort of punk rock icon if you write for Vanity Fair?

Murderer and traitor is how Kennedy should be remembered. But the left is full of people so immoral and with souls so poisoned that they consider killing a woman a small price to pay for someone to champion leftist politics. Here’s what Melissa Lafsky wrote in Huffington Post:

We don’t know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she’d have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don’t know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn’t preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.

Spoken like a true groupie. I guess you can sit in Ted’s lap in the underworld Melissa Lafsky.

I rede you, Loddfafnir! and hear my rede,—
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
If evil you know, as evil proclaim it,
And make no friendship with foes.

I rede you, Loddfafnir! and hear my rede,—
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
In evil never joy shall you know,
But glad the good shall make you.

                                   Havamal:127-8 trans by Henry Adams Bellows

Look Who’s Teaching Your Children

Anyone who has ever worked in youth programs can tell you that a few weeks of correcting the piss poor English of a 12-year-old “star” student who thinks Mr. So-and-so is just the coolest teacher ever because he gives all the girls great big hugs basically proves that homeschooling is the only way you can guarantee that your child will not return home one day with Mao’s Little Red Book in one hand and a receipt for an abortion in the other.

I’ve seen elementary students lectured on the evils of Republicans, spoken with gay teens who were told by their teachers that “all people have had gay sex” at least once and spoken to livid parents whose children were being made fun of in class by teachers. And I’ve heard of worse than that.

In other words, we just don’t have the caliber of teachers we should in this country. Not all of them mind you. Some teachers I have met and worked with were literally magnificent people who I’d trust with my children any time. Then there are teachers like Daniel Rothbard:

A Nassau teacher and camp counselor accused of having sex with a 15-year-old girl used text messages and the social networking site MySpace to arrange a meeting with his alleged victim, Suffolk authorities said Wednesday.

The online relationship between Daniel Rothbard, 28, of Merrick, and the girl began several days before a police officer discovered them Tuesday having sex in a parked car, according to Det. Lt. Matt Sullivan of the Third Precinct.

Using the screen name “DJ” or “D to the J” and claiming to be 17 years old, Rothbard also communicated online with the girl’s friends. “He was asking them online for sex,” Sullivan said.

Rothbard is a math teacher at the Willow Road Elementary School in Franklin Square, where he has been employed for four years, according to a statement from Elizabeth Lison, superintendent of Valley Stream Union Free School District 13. The district is consulting with legal counsel regarding his employment, she said.

Rothbard also worked as a summer counselor for about 15 years at Rolling River Day School and Camp in East Rockaway.

“We are all in shock – his closest friends, his family. He has a lot of close friends here and it is amazing that not one of them had an inkling,” said director Mark Goodman. The camp has fired him and sent letters to families recommending they ask their children whether anyone asked them “to keep a secret,” Goodman said. “We certainly have no reason to think that anything happened at camp.”

Rothbard was having sex with the 15-year-old about 8:25 p.m. Tuesday when the officer found the pair outside Westbrook Elementary School in West Islip, according to a Suffolk prosecutor. Police believe Rothbard and the girl met for the first time Tuesday.

“We believe there is every possibility that there are other victims,” Sullivan said.

What’s incredible here is that someone would think he could get away with something so asinine. A man who is almost 30 posing as a high school junior? How immature do you have to be to even do something like that? And how did he spend the last 15 years going unnoticed by schools and youth programs?

Because people allow teachers and counselors to dwell in perpetual adolescence, accepting the idea that those who work with their children will share the traits of children. “Fun” teachers are applauded for their ability to “relate” to kids and no one ever asks why this adult is so childlike. Parents think nothing of finding out their child’s teacher spent an entire semester promoting Ralph Nader and we think it’s par for the course to see a New York private school teacher sneaking his class to Communist Cuba. And Rothbard is one of just hundreds of teachers who have been caught molesting children.

This is who is teaching your children. And this is what they produce (via Breda Fallacy):


Isn’t it time someone demanded better?

h/t Trench

Neil Strauss: Unstable Man-Child or Lying Douchebag?


After some Internet research I’m calling this a 50/50 split. I never heard of Neil Strauss until I came across this piece about his douchebaggery on The Firearm Blog in which Strauss claims to have developed a vampiric bloodlust after supposedly receiving “survival training” that sounds more like a Palo Mayombe ceremony than instruction on how to survive hardship.

From the far too credulous pages of The Boston Globe:

Next he takes a course in killing with a knife, during which an instructor named Mad Dog demands that he slaughter a live goat. Strauss also studies wilderness survival, learning to build a shelter from leaves, find water, and live off the land. After getting instruction in shooting, he finds himself changing from wimpy writer to would-be killer: “Something strange had occurred. I developed a bloodlust I’d never felt before. I actually wanted an excuse to shoot a bad guy.”

Riiiight. It should surprise no one that the man who wrote a book on “the secret society of pick up artists” is given to, shall we say, embellishments.

I applaud anyone who can make a living convincing people there is some sort of sexual Illuminati whose secrets can change the lives of all the awkward and shy beta males out there when in fact the only secret to getting laid is going to bar and hitting on someone. But in his new book about survivalism, called Emergency, which he’s pimping in this article, his overactive fantasy life is not just borderline slander on the survivalist community, but guaranteed to get you killed if you take his “lessons” to heart.

But this isn’t a review of his book, it’s an analysis of his character, or lack thereof. Reading through the Globe piece it is painfully obvious to anyone who has ever left the confines of Manhattan that Strauss is lying his hipster ass off. There is no reputable knife fighting program that demands you slaughter goats and outside of the imaginations of of “writers” who have had their creativity sucked out and spit into the gutter by University writing programs there are no goat hating knife fighting gurus named “Mad Dog.” Strauss can’t even be said to have invented these sad fabrications because they are basically cliched images of survivalists that urban liberals have passed around for years.

What’s more incredulous is the idea that after picking up a gun and receiving what I guess is some hunting instruction so he can “live off the land” he immediately wants to kill people. This is probably a nice pick-up line at a PETA convention, but the reality is that it simply doesn’t happen to hunters. While many people enjoy hunting (or fishing), all will tell you that they DON’T enjoy the actual killing of an animal. As a child I fished with my grandparents and we ate almost every fish we caught, and we enjoyed the process of fishing, but the killing and cleaning of fish is not particularly enjoyable. Hunting is the same.

Hunting and fishing, from my perspective, re-immerses Man into nature, which modern urban society separates us from. It reinvests us in the natural world, and helps us remember the primal reality of life on Earth. Most hunters brag of how cleanly and humanely they take game, few brag of the death itself. They revel in the skill that allowed them to kill the animal, not the killing itself. Strauss’ reaction to learning to hunt, to just holding a gun, is not normal and not indicative of the experience mature adults have when they are learning to shoot. It is the reaction of the unstable man-child, the 40-year-old adolescent who seeks to take revenge on the world for slights from his childhood. Strauss describes his experience with learning to handle firearms and “live off the land” like it’s a review of a new first person shooter, which if we were to believe the veracity of his story at all (which I don’t) would say more about him than survival.

Read the whole thing and there will be no way to avoid questioning his credibility as the anecdotes get progressively more ham fisted. Like this gem in which he was told a good urban survival strategy would be dressing like a woman. You know, because women have it so easy in urban environments:

In perhaps the clearest moment of transformation in “Emergency,” Strauss dresses as a woman during an exercise in urban survival. As he’s putting on his disguise in a men’s bathroom, two aggressive civilians show up. Fearing they’re about to attack him, Strauss angrily rips off his hat and wig, informs the men he’s a Marine taking part in a drill, and warns them to back off. They do. “I’d learned my lesson,” Strauss writes: “cross-dressing is not an urban survival tactic. It’s an urban suicide tactic.”

It’s like a Friends episode written by a man who was overcompensating. Neil Strauss is the last person who should be taken seriously as an authority on the survival subculture, unless you need to sell books to urban liberals who are too naive to see through his newest pick up line. Skip the book and buy Patriots by Jim Rawles who runs the must read Survival Blog if you’re looking for survival related reading. Books on foraging and trapping (both much more efficient than hunting) are also good, but the best way to learn how to survive is practice surviving not reading books.

Or apparently writing them.

Not Fascist at All: France Seeks Dissolution of Scientology

I’m not a fan of the “Ethical Culture” cult but I don’t claim people don’t have a right to join them. France however is now claiming to have the authority to make people’s religious choices for them. Anonymous may be happy but anyone who thinks people have a right to live their lives without the government making choices for them will be appalled:

PARIS (Reuters) – A French prosecutor on Monday recommended a Paris court should dissolve the Church of Scientology’s French branch when it rules on charges of fraud against the organization.

Registered as a religion in the United States, with celebrity members such as actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta, Scientology enjoys no such legal protection in France, where it has faced repeated accusations of being a money-making cult.

The Church’s Paris headquarters and bookshop are defendants in a fraud trial that began on May 25. Summing up her views on the case, state prosecutor Maud Coujard urged the court to return a guilty verdict and dissolve the organization in France.

The Church of Scientology denies the fraud charges and says the case against it violates freedom of religion.

A ruling is expected within months.

French state prosecutors had previously resisted the idea of an outright dissolution of Scientology in the country.

If the court follows the prosecutor’s recommendation, Scientology could appeal and the verdict would be suspended.

The trial centers on complaints made in the late 1990s by two former members who spent huge sums on Scientology courses and “purification” sessions.

Maybe if France had a free and fair press (like we used to have in America) people in France could see the evidence that Scientology is a scam and decide for themselves. But the French have found a religion it’s safe to persecute and the authorities can take out their frustrations on Scientologists secure in the knowledge there will be no riots.

Meanwhile, how much justice is there for the Muslim gang that kidnapped and tortured a Jew to death?