Conservative Union Members Gather Strength in Michigan

UAW member, Terry Bowman, was fed up with his union dues being spent in support of leftist causes. The tipping point was when his local union declared in a newsletter that Jesus would have supported Obamacare. In 2010, Bowman founded Union Conservatives, a group for union members who are pro-union but want their unions to be “grounded in truth and reality,” the main truth being that socialism doesn’t work and the reality that unions need to work with both political parties for the benefits of workers, not just kiss up to one.

In his op-ed piece in the Detroit News, Bowman relates how the unions still spend members’ money on political causes that are blatantly anti-conservative even though a large number of them vote Republican:

“A recent Harris poll shows that 60 percent of union households say that unions are too involved in politics, and we know that 40 percent or more of union households vote Republican. Unfortunately, union members who disagree with these partisan political attacks are forced, as a condition of employment, to financially support this message.”

He goes on to make to briefly make the case for right-to-work laws. From the comments I’ve seen on the Facebook page and elsewhere, Bowman has received the kind of treatment you’d expect from union members who oppose such laws. According to them, he’s a corporate shill or just too stupid to understand how the unions are saving the world. He was derided on the group’s Facebook page for asking people to be civil. Oh the horror of having to engage in intelligent debate! But we know that radicals can’t abide by rules of civility especially when a member of their own tribe gets uppity.

Bowman and the Union Conservatives have got an uphill battle in front of them against the extreme leftist union leadership in Michigan. But the group is moving on with two promising events this month that will hopefully gain it more recognition. The first is at the Michigan Prosperity Forum in Traverse City featuring Michelle Malkin and Andrew Breitbart. Bowman will be heading a panel discussion there. The group also will be hosting along with the University of Michigan Dearborn College Republicans a debate of the Republican candidates for the Michigan Senate. Event info and details about the group can be found at the Union Conservatives website.

The Virtue of Profits

I’m not a Romney supporter but the attacks on him for making money are a bit disturbing. I watch the King of Bain attack ad and found that the majority of complaints were that Romney wasn’t willing to steal money from his investors to prop up failing businesses – in other words he wasn’t a leftist.

People who agree with this line of attack should watch this short video:

OWS Steals House from Struggling Single Father with Charles Barron’s Help

When people say Occupy Wall Street are lazy, hateful animals they are understating how vile these bored rich kids are. These scumbag communists – almost all of whom are rich kids who are being subsidized by their permissive parents – have stolen the house from a struggling single father and “given” it to a homeless family. The man was going through a foreclosure (but he still owns the house) and asked why if they wanted to fight the banks they didn’t help him. They told him told him he was too rich and to go fuck himself. Then they destroyed all his personal possessions he still had in the house.

That’s really sticking it to the 1%:

hey’re occupying his home.

Occupy Wall Street protesters announced with great fanfare last month that they moved a homeless family into a “foreclosed” Brooklyn home — even though they knew the house belonged to a struggling single father desperately trying to renegotiate his mortgage, The Post has learned.

“They’re trying to take a house and say the bank is robbing the people because the mortgage is too high — so contact the owner!” fumed Wise Ahadzi, 28, who owns the home at 702 Vermont St. in East New York.

Occupiers “reclaimed” the row house on Dec. 6 and ceremoniously put out the welcome mat for a homeless family.

But Bank of America, which has been in and out of foreclosure proceedings against Ahadzi since 2009, confirmed to The Post that he is still the rightful owner.

Meanwhile, the family that OWS claimed to be putting into the vacant house has not yet permanently moved in. And it turns out the family is not a random victim of the foreclosure crisis, but cast for the part, thanks to their connection to the OWS movement.

OWS last week said it has spent $9,500 breaking into the house and setting it up for the homeless Carrasquillo family. A photo of the smiling family covers a window, under the slogan, “A place to call home.”

The head of the family, Alfredo Carrasquillo, 28, is an organizer for VOCAL- NY, a group that works with OWS. His Facebook page shows him in a “99 Percent” T-shirt at an OWS protest in November.

The Post visited the Vermont Street home last week — six weeks after OWS announced that the Carrasquillos were moving in — and the family was nowhere to be found.

In fact, the only people occupying the house were occupiers themselves.

“They only stay here sometimes,” a protester named Charlie said of the Carrasquillos. “There’s not enough room for the kids.”

The occupier refused to say how many others were inside, but at least two more protesters could be seen at the house, along with mattresses on the floor, during The Post visit.

“We’re almost done with the basement,” he said of the renovations.

The real property owner is livid because he could be raising his two little girls, Imani, 3, and Kwazha, 10, in the two-story home instead of in a meager, two-bedroom rental in Brownsville while he tries to sort out his mortgage nightmare.

Police notified him in early December that the vigilante vagrants moved into his East New York digs, he said. He immediately ran over to the house to see for himself.

“Oh, don’t call the police!” an occupier begged him.

OWS leaders and Brooklyn Councilman Charles Barron, an OWS supporter, met with Ahadzi before the press conference to discuss the future of his property, he said. Ahadzi hoped that the group would help him regain his footing.

“Why can’t you fight for me?” he asked them.

“They told me I don’t qualify,” he said. “So my lawyer asked what the qualifications are. [They said] I have to be with an organization and they’ll deal with the bank and you have to be homeless.

“They said they couldn’t help me,” he added.

They did help themselves to his property however. Interesting how the people who benefit from the “largess” of these Marxists are friends of theirs and people they owe political favors to.They’re almost like real communists.

Is anyone surprised to see anti-American son of a bitch Charles Barron involved?

Anyway this is why I moved out of the hell hole of NYC and into the sweet embrace of a Castle Doctrine state like South Carolina. If OWS tried to pull that on me down here the only discussion we’d be having was where they wanted their galena pills.

This little scam is apparently going on all over the country and as blogger Ferfal points out, pattern on Latin American communist land grabs of recent years. There’s a house grab being set up by a Chicago Lutheran Minster named Tom Gaulke. So be prepared.

By the way, VOCAL NY is a hug-a-thug organization that seeks to build a political party out of criminals and drug addicts. They make plenty of money “organizing” so why is one of their organizers homeless?

Why Did The Feds Raid The Hutaree Militia?

At this point, the F.B.I. led raid on the Hutaree Christian Militia does not pass the smell test, and more importantly, is eerily similar to the militarized Justice Department’s build up to the Waco massacre under Janet Reno. Even though we’ve been told some gun charges may be made against the people who have been arrested, the government has sealed the initial warrants so the public will not know what led to the raids in the first place:

Federal agents conducted raids over the weekend in Lenawee and Washtenaw counties that news media reports linked to Hutaree, a Christian-militia group in the area.

Agents also conducted raids in Indiana and Ohio and arrested at least three people. FBI spokesman Scott Wilson in Cleveland said agents arrested two people Saturday after raids in two Ohio towns. A third arrest made in northeast Illinois stemmed from a raid in northwest Indiana. The arrests are part of an ongoing investigation led by the FBI in Michigan, according to a statement from agents in Illinois.

The raids in Michigan took place Saturday and Sunday at undisclosed locations, said Detroit FBI Special Agent Sandra Berchtold.

“We can confirm that there were law enforcement activities in the Lenawee/Washtenaw County area,” Berchtold said.

But she added that “the federal warrants are sealed and we cannot comment at this time.”

Since the FBI is in charge we can infer that the gun charges were not what was in the warrants or else the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms would have been in the lead. But the government agents haven’t been shy about telling the media Hutaree is a “Christian militia,” which is odd considering the reticence they have about identifying Muslims involved in Jihad.

Speaking of which, buried in this report filed by The Detroit News we find a surprise appearance by the terrorist funding, Jihad supporting group CAIR which learned about the raid coincidentally while holding one of their fundraisers:

Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on Islamic-American Relations of Michigan, made an announcement Sunday during the group’s 10th anniversary banquet about receiving a call from a network journalist about the alleged threat against Muslims.

“Don’t allow this news to scare you away from practicing your faith,” said Walid.

Audible gaps were heard throughout the banquet hall when the news was announced. Walid said he will call local authorities about more information on the allegations. He urged local Muslims to recommitt themselves to their faith in light of the accusations.

That article also quotes Mike Lackomar of the Michigan Militia as saying he heard from other militia members that Hutaree was raided because they had made threats against Muslim groups, though that quote is mysteriously absent from many other accounts. It is also odd that Hutaree itself doesn’t mention Muslims in their writings, but are mainly concerned with the supposed Anti-Christ they think is coming to power and the general Jesus freakery that is essentially harmless but does not wear well on a man in camouflage carrying an AR-15.

CAIR has a history of making false hate crime reports. Was this another CAIR set up?

Word on the street amongst the crazed survivalist community (of which I am proudly a member) is that Hutaree was literally a cult and some people claimed they actively promoted starting a civil war, but I personally have seen no evidence of the latter. I have seen some of their “training” videos and did not think they were the type of people I would associate with. Take that for what it is worth.

It is interesting though that despite the fact that at this point no Hutaree member has been caught acting violently, the feds came down on them like a hammer when just recently anti-American racist and ex-con Tom Metzger, founder of the White Aryan Resistance, was raided by the BATF who proceeded to do everything in their power to make things easy on him without actually giving him a backrub. He left this cheery comment on my post about the raid:

Tom Metzger said,

on March 24th, 2010 at 1:06 pm

I assume your from the bankrupt right wing.Thanks for the PR. Actually the ATF and I sat around and had a few beers that day. The right wing. THE BOWELL MOVEMENT

I’m betting the Hutaree members are hardly as sanguine right now. Of course, WAR and the other Aryan groups have long had an alliance with Marxists and Islamists so Metzger getting the kid glove treatment from a Marxist run D.O.J. that is openly preferential to Islamism is not a surprise.

But what is a surprise is a seemingly emboldened leftist government rounding up arm-chair commandos and a complicit media simply lapping up a narrative involving dangerous Jesus freaks that has not been supported by any evidence. As the Hutaree members make court appearances we’ll see what the government’s evidence is, but as of now, this stinks.

Update: Mike Lackomar told me all his information came from the media so it looks like The Detroit News misquoted him, accidentally I’m sure.

The Government is now claiming born again Christians Hutaree were planning on not only killing police officers but then desecrating the cops funerals by blowing up bombs designed to kill mourners. And if you’re thinking that sounds odd then you’re are correct as there has never been an incidence of Christians, extremist or not, attacking funerals since it would, you know, send them to Hell. The lead suspects ex-wife confirms that David Brian Stone had been growing more extreme in his views, but that Hutaree was primarily a Christian group.

The “threats against Islamic groups” narrative is still floating around (even making Drudge) but as of yet there is still no evidence supporting that.

Why would a group of God botherers assault a funeral. And why target beat cops at all when they would have been able to target Feds (who they may have actually believed were part of the anti-Christ’s army) or the United Nations headquarters? More importantly why would they have been plotting attacks at all since their theology put forward that their enemy will be attacking the world shortly?

This story sticks.